Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Greetings precious ones!

I am finally feeling well enough to take a crack at this blog stuff, at which all of you have proven so adept. The outpouring of love for my family and I has eternally blessed us and personally overwhelmed me. I am so grateful to Sabrina and Robert for designing and making the blog, and for their faithfulness to keep all of you updated as God put His grace on display.

It’s been quite a journey. The first couple of weeks were a snap. Radiation at 11:10, then off to Starbuck’s at 11:45 where I enjoyed an exceptional cup of coffee in front of a beautiful fountain before heading to work at 1:00 P.M. I was assigned as watch sergeant during those two weeks so I would not have to work the much more demanding field sergeant position. This put nearly all of the work load on my partner sergeants who insisted on picking up my slack. They are truly a good bunch of men, I love them very much. Well, the next week proved tougher. I picked up quite a few symptoms, including a raspy voice. I had to call off work about every other day. By the end of week four I just could not work at all. It took everything I had, just to make it to my treatment. Sabrina went with me everyday from then on. The highlight of my day was sitting in front of the Starbuck’s fountain with Sabrina snuggling me over a cup. I treasure those days and will never forget them. Men, we are truly blessed in our wives. By the last day of treatment I was so sick. The doctor had never seen anyone in my condition. I’ll spare you the gruesome details. Trust me, you don’t want to hear them! The 10 days following treatment have been the absolute worse, with other wonderful side effects presenting. Today has been pretty good, despite still having the worst sore throat of my life and no voice.

My precious Sabrina profoundly asked me a few weeks ago what our Lord was teaching me through this cancer. My heart struggled to consolidate, define, and articulate an answer, so I’ll reserve the right to get back to you on that. I have never pitied myself or questioned the Lord regarding my cancer. I have only been amazed at His mercy to me, knowing full well what I deserve! From the onset I have been concerned to receive the full sanctification God has intended for me through this. I still ask this to be your prayer for me.

I am deeply thankful for my complete dependence on our Lord, though I fear the bent of my flesh is to seek independence. How wretched. I am so weak. I remember confessing my weakness to the Lord as I trembled in fear and phobia at being bolted down and shuttled into the radiation therapy machine. I remember confessing, “Lord you endured the cross for me. I can not even endure this little bit of suffering.” I pray the Lord daily bring that realization to my memory. I fear my weakness. It concerns me. I am not even suffering for the sake of His Kingdom. Lord, make me able to suffer for your Kingdom’s sake.

I am deeply thankful for prayer, that God would desire our prayer. Every time I went into that darned machine, I was blessed with the knowledge many of you were praying for me, and I had the comfort and joy of praying for many of you. I am truly humbled to know how many of you are following this blog and praying for my family and I. In fact the breadth of this blog is incredible! I have learned people from all around the country are praying for me...whole churches. How blessed I am. Bless all of you.

I look forward to sharing more of His grace another day...I love you all.

In Christ alone, Tom.


Suzanne DeShong said...


When we are supposed to be ministering to you, here you are ministering to us!!!! Your words are so profound and encouraging. You are so humble and candid with your struggles, and I can't help but be exhorted, encouraged, and strengthened by them. Praise God for what He is doing through you. We are continuing to uphold you in prayer and be taught by your example of Christlikeness. We love you, Tom!!!!

Clogging Pindle said...

Tom, Your words have pierced my heart. Thank you, dear brother, for sharing these valuable words. I can relate to your concerns regarding your weakness. May the Lord continue His work in you and through you as He continues to bring Himself glory through your life.
In His grip, Lindy

Anonymous said...

Tom - thank you for sharing news of God's grace in your life. Humbling, encouraging, uplifting. I've been praying for you my friend.

Trina K said...

Your post was such an amazing blessing. Encourageing and humbling. We are so blessed by the example of Christlikeness that you and your family have shown through this trial from the Lord.

Thank you for sharing a tiny glimpse of what you have been dealing with and sharing how the you have trusted Him... such a loving and Godly example. You are cherished and we love you and your family. We thank the Lord for getting you through the radiation!!

You are in our prayers daily.

Bryan and Trina

Jensen Family said...

Thank you friends for your beautiful & warm comments. Tom is still digesting the love.

Bryan Kortcamp said...


Thanks for your wonderful words of encouragemnet. You are truly a Godly example of a loving husband, father and friend. We have been praying for you and your family daily. We love you and pray that the Lord will continue to stregthen you in this trial. I am looking forward to your answer to Sabrinas question!

In His Service,
