Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 24


It is nice to be back on line with our new modem. 

Great new!  Tom's days of Tx have been reduced. 25 days instead of 28 days.  Tom is having significant side effects and Dr. Z. said, "Enough." Friday was to be the last day of Tx, until the R.T. double checked his calculations. This Monday is the NEW last day of Tx.  Either way, we will take it. 

He is at this point cancer free!!!! 

The next hurdle is recovery. 2-3 more weeks. I don't mind asking for prayer for two things. First, it would be great if he could swallow without chocking.  I'm not talking gagging. I'm talking serious don't leave him alone choking. Second, that his voice would return to his original quality. That is the whole reason we chose radiation versus surgery, to maintain voice quality. (Have I ever told you how much I loved his voice???? Years ago, when we first met... he had me at "Hello.") 

We have never known friends like you. We cherish everyone of you! To be like-minded and grounded in our Faith... is another love gift from God.

Please pray for Bill & Cathy. They are a sweet couple that we met in the lobby of the treatment center. They both need the Lord. Tom gave them J.M.'s book, "Why I Trust the Bible." We have been sharing God's love with them during our 30 minute lobby visits. 

1 John 3:1 
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.

My prayer for my family is that, Our Heavenly Father would teach us, (Tom, Robert, Jenna and myself) about HIS love so that we may love others in the way that GOD loves us.  

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