As I think about all the changes in the last 17 years... I think about the one constant that has never changed and will never change. No matter what happens in my life, no matter what happens in the life of my husband or in the life of my children, no matter what happens across the world or who is in the presidential seat, no matter what the stock market is doing, I know that my God remains eternally the same. His promises are unshakable. The One who created us never changes. That has been the constant foundation in our marriage.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" Hebrews 13:8.
Tom, you are my true soul mate. I love you!
Happy Anniversary to some of my favorite lovebirds!!! Coffee on the 23rd while Emma is at Escape???
I was so blessed by this post, Sabrina. Thank you for sharing. It truly was an encouragement.
OH, thank you Clogging Pindle... Praises to the Almighty. Are you married?
K, Thank you my friend. Coffee with boys or without boys?
What a blesing and a tremendous example you two are to Bryan and I and many others. Your relationship with eachother and the Lord is so clearly shown in your words and deeds!!
May our gracious God continue to bless your marriage, your love for eachother and most importantly your love for Him.
Love you,
Bryan and Trina
Clogging P... I know who you are. I didn't even recognize your picture. SSSSOooo sorry. I just peeked at your blog. Your testimony to me continues. Say hi to your lovely family.
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