Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little update

Tomorrow is a big day.  We have a 1pm appointment with a new Radiologist Oncologist.  This center will be very close to Tom's work and not far from home.  

Today was one of the tougher days for him.  His new schedule allows him three days off, but forces a double on one of his regular work days.  Example, Wed. he goes in at 12 noon-doesn't come home until Thurs. the next day 0600am.  Sleeps a few hours and goes back to work at 12:00 noon, same day.  Add a little radiation treatment.... ah huh, i don't think so!

I am comforted by Isaiah 26:3, because here my God says the He will keep Tom in perfect peace, because Tom's mind is stayed on HIM, because Tom trusts in HIM.  
Tom has a fixed disposition of trust in the Lord who brings a peace that the wicked can never know. I am thankful that my husband loves Jesus.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

That is one tough schedule Tom. I'm praying for you brother.