Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December Update

Yee ha, Tom got the green light yesterday, NO cancer in the throat... the PET Scan looks better. (We are still waiting for the MRI result. Different doctor, different issue.)
The best part is that he feels great!

He has been drinking aloe vera juice and that seems to be bringing back a zest of energy and also calming down his stomach discomfort. He did have a bout of phlebitis from the nuclear waste (radio active dye/contrast from PEt and MRI tests) that they infused into his arm last Friday... After a course of antibiotics and some Naprasyn, he can use his right arm now.

We have had a wonderful year and continue to experience God's goodness in our lives.

Merry Christmas and Happy, happy New Year.

love, sabrina
and family

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November Update

Salutations and Blessings to you all,

I should have written long before now... We were enjoying the quietness of recovery. Did you catch the word "were"???

Well, Tom is still recovering from his radiation. His energy level is about 80%. We will take it. He still gets scoped or scanned every month. Sometimes those scopes really take it out of him. But all in all, absolutely thankful!!!

So here we are in the midst of this recovery when Tom gets a simple chest x-ray for an annoying pain (near his rib cage) he has had for sometime. The doctor called with the results today. He said he is concerned that Tom has compression fractures of his thoracic 9 & 10 vertebrae. We tried to explain the extent of physical abuse Tom gives his spine in the form of recreational motorcycle riding (and falls). Picking up refrigerators and pianos... and most recently pushing a car out of the sand (single handed). Doctor was not convinced. He wants to clear Tom from what he thinks may be bone cancer. Really??

So, for those of you sweet people who continue to ask, "How can we pray for you"... PLEASE, pray for quick steps as we pursue tests and results, doctors and staff. A good attitude as we maneuver through our HMO system and most,most,most of all that we spread God's Glory in all that we do. Oh, and no bone cancer would be great.

Did I mention Tom's mom is a surviver of bone cancer and his Uncle Jack died at an early age from it?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy Thanksgiving.
May the love of Christ and His Helper fill you to the point of spilling over.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Miracle Monday!!

Family & Friends,

My mom & I do not even know where to begin. I guess I am the lucky one that gets to try and describe our feelings of joy and jubilation. (In some sort of grammatically correct format, of course!) Here goes...

Thursday, my Dad got a call from Dr. A. with the results from the PET scan. The doctor wanted to see him due to the one centimeter hot spot my mom talked about in the previous post. He was IMMEDIATELY scheduled for a biopsy and had an appointment for tomorrow morning. We instantly began praying for a benign (no cancer) biopsy and received countless emails from friends and family that were praying for us. (We needed a Miracle Tuesday, as my mom called it!)

Well.. as you may have noticed, today is MONDAY.
Due to DIVINE orchestration of appointment scheduling, an appointment with Dr. Z., the radiologist was "coincidentally" - I love that word - scheduled today. (The day before our last-minute Miracle Tuesday.) Dr. Z. wanted us to wait another month and retake the scan. He feels that this hot spot is most likely an area of tissue that hasn't healed properly due to a radiation infection. He strongly urged us to cancel the biopsy for tomorrow as it could be detrimental to my dad's long term healing! There's a whole bunch of other medical jargon that you could ask my parents about if you really want to know... Bottom line: We're trying to avoid a laryngectomy until absolutely necessary, if at all.

My dad has been doing progressively better each day, as has our relationship with each other. I say this a lot, but, I like my dad. I like my mom. I like my sister. We love our Savior. It's that love for Christ that has brought our family closer together.

We want you to experience the true LOVE of our great and merciful God. We are so thankful for your prayers and commitment to our family. PLEASE join us now as we rejoice and sing of HIS mercies forever!!!!


Robert for Team Jensen,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Good Morning!

Tom went for his 4 month follow-up PET Scan Tuesday... The results show a 1cm hot spot that apparently is worthy of another biopsy. (Tues.) If this biopsy is positive for cancer then he must go to UCLA or USC to have extensive laryngeal surgery and extensive recovery.
I know bummer, huh!

SOoooo, please pray for a benign biopsy. Whatever the outcome we know that it is in God's will and we rejoice in the sweetness of trusting in Jesus.

Thank you for your constant prayers and concern for Tom and our family.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good day!

My Dad & I recently took a guys day and went up to Gorman for a couple hours. (The day before the bad news.) We had a blast racing through every black diamond trail there... coming home with no injuries was a plus! It's been amazing to see my dad's testimony lived out through this trial. I love the man that he is and I couldn't ask for a better riding partner!


Thanks for reading! (And no... dirt biking isn't the only thing we do.)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Tom!

"...This is my beloved, and this is my friend..." -Song of Solomon 5:16

We had a fun day celebrating your life; every day is a blessing with you!

Bean, Sonny, & Jenna

Friday, July 24, 2009

Psalm 119

Today I prayed through a portion of Psalm 119:25-32

My soul clings to the dust;
Revive me according to Your word.
I have declared my ways, and You answered me;

Please teach me and Tom, Robert and Jenna YOUR statutes.
Make us understand the way of Your precepts;
So we will meditate on Your wonderful works.

May my soul, and Tom's soul and Robert's soul and Jenna's soul,
Melt from heaviness;
Strengthen us according yo Your word.

Remove from us the way of lying,
And grant us Your law graciously.
We have chosen the way of Truth; (I pray we will always choose Truth)

Your judgments have been laid before us.
May we cling to your testimonies;
O LORD, do not put us to shame!

May we run the course of Your commandments,
For You shall enlarge our hearts.

(Did you know, Tom actually has an enlarged heart? Yes, we have seen it on an x-ray)

This has been a tough week... Thank you for your continued prayers through his recovery!

Love, sabrina

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hello Family and Friends,

That big come-back that my son wrote in May was a little premature.
Tom hasn't been back in his motorcycle saddle since.

We are thankful that Tom is back to work. Light duty and not a full week. But, we are so very thankful. Today will be his first day back on patrol. (Prayers Please.)
He looks so handsome in his uniform.

Monday was his 2 month post radiation check-up. Doctor was hesitant to tell us that there is quite a bit more swelling than he would like to see. That explains why Tom continues to suffer pain and coughing attacks. That being said, we are so pleased with his endurance that he is slowly getting back for everyday living. He can mow the lawn and walk/run on the treadmill without having to rest. We even went on a short but fantastic trip to Yosemite last month.

We feel the hand of God daily!

My friend Trina who has one of the most wonderful hearts for the Lord... (Someday I want to grow up to be like her.) Said it best today,

May our eyes be fixed on Him, our heart longing for Him, and our thoughts focused on Him, seeking to glorify Him in all things.... content in what He has in our path!

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in need." Philippians 4:11-12

We love you Trina,
sabrina and family

Friday, May 22, 2009

Anddd... We're Back!

Yes folks... the day has finally come! We [the Jensens] are FINALLY back in the saddle! We've been prepping over the past couple of days to go riding and we actually managed to make it happen! It was a quick ride, shorter than usual - it was still fun! Thanks, Dad, for an unbelievably fun and memorable day! (Let's NOT go on Memorial weekend next year though, ok?? =)

But wait... there's more! When we got home, Dad did the lawns AND cleaned out part of the garage! After doing so much today, his voice is completely gone. Still, he somehow manages to keep a smile on his face.

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thanks for your prayers,
Robert for Team Jensen

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One Day at a Time

Hi Family & Friends...
Tom didn't make it to work this week. We are taking One Day at a Time!

I thought I would share one of my prayers for my husband, using Colossians 1:9-12 as the backbone and outline of my heart for him. 

For this reason I also, since the day I heard it, do not cease to pray for you Tom.  I ask my Father for you Tom that you may be filled with the knowledge, (not just a feeling but a deep and thorough understanding of what the Lord would reveal to you in His Word) of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;(to be steadfast, organized & prepared, articulate, and apply these truths in your daily living).  That you my husband would have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to our Great God. ( I know that is the desire of your heart)  I pray that you Tom would be fruitful in every good work (Being bold and righteous in front of your co-workers, praising God for EVERYTHING, Looking for new ways to love your family, giving of your time & money, and turning away from things in this world that are not pure and sacred) and increasing in the knowledge of God; (Lord, I have witnessed with my own eyes his deep love for your word)  I pray that you would continue to strengthen Tom with all YOUR might, according to YOUR glorious power, with all patience and longsuffering with joy;( I pray that you my husband will live your joy out loud and far above all difficult circumstances and difficult people).  Tom, give thanks to our Father who has qualified (He authorized) us to be partakers of the inheritance (our divine portion) of the saints in the light.  God Bless you my man!  I love, love, love you!

OOH, My Tom just asked me to take a walk around the lake...  Later.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Re Cap Tuesday, May 12th

It has come to my attention that I don't know how to spell couch, I spell it coach.  You guys are so gracious as to not let ALL my grammar and spelling errors distract you from my heartfelt intentions. I love you, God Bless!

Tom almost made it to work today. It was looking good until last nights incredible coughing attack. (Ten steps forward six steps back.) I hope it's not my cooking!
He is going to stay home today and try and heal. The goal is to be ready for work tomorrow. Today I have ordered him back on voice rest and soft foods only.  (So bossy!) 

He will be scoped by his ENT, (ears, nose and throat doctor) every month and followed up by his Radiologist for the next 5 years. Tom is actually looking forward to these visits to continue ministering to these men that he has grown to love.

Today I am singing.... with Isaiah 49:13
Sing, O heavens!
Be joyful, O earth!
And break out in singing, O mountains!
For the Lord has comforted His people,
And will have mercy on the afflicted!

Deepest love & Peace to you,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Praise #1,

 I left him on the coach this morning with strict orders not to do ANYTHING physical.  I came home in the afternoon, with the lawns mowed, front & back.  In the past few weeks, our neighbor Joe has been known to mysteriously mow our lawn.  (We really appreciate you, Joe.)  So I'm thinking JOE??
Then, I saw the slight sun kissed cheeks mixed with a hint of exhaustion on my husband's face...  He said it felt soooo good to get out and do something physical.  

Praise #2,

Tom has less gagging episodes and is enjoying, mostly real food.



Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Greetings precious ones!

I am finally feeling well enough to take a crack at this blog stuff, at which all of you have proven so adept. The outpouring of love for my family and I has eternally blessed us and personally overwhelmed me. I am so grateful to Sabrina and Robert for designing and making the blog, and for their faithfulness to keep all of you updated as God put His grace on display.

It’s been quite a journey. The first couple of weeks were a snap. Radiation at 11:10, then off to Starbuck’s at 11:45 where I enjoyed an exceptional cup of coffee in front of a beautiful fountain before heading to work at 1:00 P.M. I was assigned as watch sergeant during those two weeks so I would not have to work the much more demanding field sergeant position. This put nearly all of the work load on my partner sergeants who insisted on picking up my slack. They are truly a good bunch of men, I love them very much. Well, the next week proved tougher. I picked up quite a few symptoms, including a raspy voice. I had to call off work about every other day. By the end of week four I just could not work at all. It took everything I had, just to make it to my treatment. Sabrina went with me everyday from then on. The highlight of my day was sitting in front of the Starbuck’s fountain with Sabrina snuggling me over a cup. I treasure those days and will never forget them. Men, we are truly blessed in our wives. By the last day of treatment I was so sick. The doctor had never seen anyone in my condition. I’ll spare you the gruesome details. Trust me, you don’t want to hear them! The 10 days following treatment have been the absolute worse, with other wonderful side effects presenting. Today has been pretty good, despite still having the worst sore throat of my life and no voice.

My precious Sabrina profoundly asked me a few weeks ago what our Lord was teaching me through this cancer. My heart struggled to consolidate, define, and articulate an answer, so I’ll reserve the right to get back to you on that. I have never pitied myself or questioned the Lord regarding my cancer. I have only been amazed at His mercy to me, knowing full well what I deserve! From the onset I have been concerned to receive the full sanctification God has intended for me through this. I still ask this to be your prayer for me.

I am deeply thankful for my complete dependence on our Lord, though I fear the bent of my flesh is to seek independence. How wretched. I am so weak. I remember confessing my weakness to the Lord as I trembled in fear and phobia at being bolted down and shuttled into the radiation therapy machine. I remember confessing, “Lord you endured the cross for me. I can not even endure this little bit of suffering.” I pray the Lord daily bring that realization to my memory. I fear my weakness. It concerns me. I am not even suffering for the sake of His Kingdom. Lord, make me able to suffer for your Kingdom’s sake.

I am deeply thankful for prayer, that God would desire our prayer. Every time I went into that darned machine, I was blessed with the knowledge many of you were praying for me, and I had the comfort and joy of praying for many of you. I am truly humbled to know how many of you are following this blog and praying for my family and I. In fact the breadth of this blog is incredible! I have learned people from all around the country are praying for me...whole churches. How blessed I am. Bless all of you.

I look forward to sharing more of His grace another day...I love you all.

In Christ alone, Tom.

Turn Around Tuesday is Here!

I've been waiting for this day. Hip Hip-Hooray. He slept a little more last night and woke up a little better this morning.  It is 9:30 am and he is back on the coach. But, that is after he walked the perimeter of the house... LOOKING for something to do. 
I know there are more families out there in more severe situations and we appreciate your continued attention and prayers.  


Friday, April 24, 2009

4th day without TX

Tom's having a better day.  SLOWLY, he is lurking around the house, in search for something to do. Quickly realizing... He still can't do much of anything.

We celebrated Robert's 16th birthday yesterday... What a great day.  We started off with special banana pancakes... We officially handed over the keys to our family Chevy Tahoe, for his very own. Yikes !!! It's not new, but his Papa & Nana had it painted and it looks soooo great! (Thank you N & P.)  Jenna washed and polished it and bought him one of those funny smiley faces with sunglasses and placed it on the antenna.  The day was topped off  with a dozen friends surprising him at BJ's Restaurant and a Pazooki. 

Son, we love you. We trust you. AND, we love the privilege and responsibility that the Lord gave us to raise you.  You are a treasure, a pleasure and  we are very proud of you. 
Love, Mom & Dad

  Click here for his version and more about the Pazooki.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 25, Last Treatment

Please pray for Tom today! The past few weeks he has been coughing up blood and spitting up unknown tissue.(That's putting it mildly.) Every night is a challenge and last night was one of the worst. He catnaps at best, propped up on pillows. We should be celebrating today as it is the last day of treatment. Instead, we are cautious as to what ONE more treatment might do to him. Okay, maybe you could pray for me too, I want my husband back!

(P.S. My friend, BB, you know I'm down with a little RS rasp.)

Deeper love for you and praises to Our Great God.
Sabrina & kids

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 24


It is nice to be back on line with our new modem. 

Great new!  Tom's days of Tx have been reduced. 25 days instead of 28 days.  Tom is having significant side effects and Dr. Z. said, "Enough." Friday was to be the last day of Tx, until the R.T. double checked his calculations. This Monday is the NEW last day of Tx.  Either way, we will take it. 

He is at this point cancer free!!!! 

The next hurdle is recovery. 2-3 more weeks. I don't mind asking for prayer for two things. First, it would be great if he could swallow without chocking.  I'm not talking gagging. I'm talking serious don't leave him alone choking. Second, that his voice would return to his original quality. That is the whole reason we chose radiation versus surgery, to maintain voice quality. (Have I ever told you how much I loved his voice???? Years ago, when we first met... he had me at "Hello.") 

We have never known friends like you. We cherish everyone of you! To be like-minded and grounded in our Faith... is another love gift from God.

Please pray for Bill & Cathy. They are a sweet couple that we met in the lobby of the treatment center. They both need the Lord. Tom gave them J.M.'s book, "Why I Trust the Bible." We have been sharing God's love with them during our 30 minute lobby visits. 

1 John 3:1 
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.

My prayer for my family is that, Our Heavenly Father would teach us, (Tom, Robert, Jenna and myself) about HIS love so that we may love others in the way that GOD loves us.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter '09

Jensen Family

    These days and nights have been quite challenging..... Thankfully, we made it to church Resurrection Sunday.  We appreciate your prayers more than ever!  The good news is that this may be Tom's last week of radiation.   Singing praises for all that the Lord has ordained.

Love you all,

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 15

Thanks for your prayers, I'm feeling better. That was some weirdo weekend virus.  

 Wish I could say the same for Tom. Mmmm, he is really feeling it.  He is at the halfway point, with only 3 more weeks of treatments to go!!!!  Doctor Z. gave him liquid Vicodin to suppress the gnarly cough he has acquired. Doctor A. scoped him today and said his vocal cords look completely wrecked??? Hmmm. I guess that is what they expect.  No wonder he has NO voice, at all. 

Here is a little shout out to "Auntie Delia"... Remember the plaid and stripped shirts you, Rachel & Jacob got him??  He loves them. They are all he can tolerate on his neck and chest. He wears the white v-neck t-shirts under them.  So handsome!! 
Thank you!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Just a quick update before I leave for church...

Mom & Dad are both pretty sick in bed - SuperMom with the Flu & Dad with the "What did he say?" disease... I'm still trying to figure out how he is working in the midst of all of this?!?!? Needless to say, they will be staying home from church today. Please pray for them!

I don't even know what to say other than a big, fat... THANK YOU. The amount of love and prayer my family has received these past couple of months is overwhelming to say the least! You know, it's been such a blessing to know that with all the ups and downs of this trial, there is one constant that never changes: Christ. His love for His children is shown to me each time we get an "I'll pray for you" email from one of our friends or relatives. It is our prayer that through this blog, and through this journey, Christ will receive ALL the glory and praise.

We love and cherish you all,
Robert for the family

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 11

Good Morning,

Okay, this radiation stuff is really taking a toll on my "Iron Man" husband. It's like Cryptonite for Superman. Weakening him more every day. He has 17 more days to go and his voice is already effected. The process is so very interesting. As the weeks go by, we can tell how the gamma rays, (O.k. they don't call it that anymore, but I can't spell the real name.)are penetrating the layers of his tissues. First it was the topical, the skin, we found great lotions for that problem. Then, it was the swelling and inflammation of the throat. (Painful swallowing) Not too much we can do for that. He is drinking gallons of water.  Now, it seems to be hitting the actual voice box or cords. He has a raspy, airy voice if he has a voice at all.(Charades and marker boards come in handy.)

Thank you for your continued prayers for Tom and our family. For those of you who have very lovingly asked how they might specifically pray for me,  I have a request.
Please pray for me that I TRUST my LORD in the details and situations that arise today and everyday. In all my interactions with Tom and others,I want to be an example of grace and mercy and thankfulness in all things. Basically, I want to be humble and focused on CHRIST. Everything else will fall into it's perfect ordained place. (I don't want anyone stumbling over my fleshly humanness.)
In return I will diligently pray for you, who have made your request known to me.  I take them very seriously and love you from the bottom of my heart. I love what Psalm 111:7-10 says about God's hands.. that The works of His hands are verity and justice, All His precepts are sure. They stand fast forever and ever... verity and justice. Isn't that cool?

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Tom gets Sat. & Sun.'s off of Radiation Tx's, but not off of work.  I am so proud of my husband.  He endures these days with joy and never complains. He laughs more than I remember, smiles more than ever and looks for every opportunity to tell his family that he loves us. 
Life is good. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I think I need to make a correction.... Yesterday, I posted Day 23.  It is Day 23 when I count backwards.  (28,27,26) It was really Day 6 of Radiation Treatments.  Does that clear things up or completely confuse our readers??? I will in the future, continue chronologically. Today being Day 7 of 28.

Today is a good day. We got this amazing ointment called "Emu Oil." (From Emu's) When Tom applies a little Aloe Vera and drops of that Emu on the area that is being radiated, he can put a shirt on.  Last week, before the oil,  he couldn't tolerate a simple cotton t-shirt.  We are so thankful.  Emu oil it sounds a little Dr. Suessical

My love to you all.  It is a gorgeous day that the Lord has allowed us. Hope you can get outside and enjoy!!! It reminds me of a saying that my friend Karen always sings to me,  Remember,
" A day without Radiation is a day without Sunshine."  I think that is one of those inside Cancer jokes... and my beloved friend Karen would know that world very well.  God Bless you.

We are very excited for our friends that are going to Cal City this weekend.  Lord willing, we will join you on the next trip.  Boys, don't do anything Tom wouldn't do.  Mostly because he doesn't want to miss out on anything.

Hugs and sincere devotion to you. May Christ shine through you like a beacon today!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 23

Good Morning you beautiful people.

Well, if you haven't already heard... this "Radiation" stuff went full strength last Friday and Tom is feeling it!!!
Yesterday, we went as a family and drove him to his treatment.  We sat in the waiting room and got to know the other patients.  Tom has affectionately nicknamed them, his "fellow-tubers."  What wonderful people, some of them have been thru such physical and emotional pain and for a lack of vocabulary - torture. 

His treatments usually last 15-20 minutes. Yesterday, the newer RT couldn't get it right and it took 45 min.  He had to get locked down into that mask and bolted down to the bed, 3 times instead of 1.  Tom was bathing in God's grace and mercy.  Each time he goes into the tube he picks one person to pray for.... apparently this person needed more prayer then the others. 

We went to lunch and the three of us sat in the sun.  We positioned the umbrella for Tom to sit in the shade.  He is not allowed to have sun.

Knowing the character of God ... I am not taking this out of context
My prayer and meditation for my man today is :

Isaiah 41:13
    For I, the LORD your GOD, will hold your right hand, saying to you, FEAR NOT, I will help you.

 Thank you friends and family for your cards your meals and your phone calls.
We love you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Radiation: Day 1

Hey Everyone,
Just thought I would let you all know that my dad starts radiation today at 12pm! Let's just say it's not exactly a fun process... please keep him in your prayers. My mom had to work last night and probably won't be able to sleep until they return from radiation. She's a trooper and has been at my dad's side throughout this whole process. I have such amazing parents, THANK YOU LORD!!

This is my favorite picture of my dad...

One of my dad's faves... He was getting so much air off of this little jump. The picture doesn't even do it justice.

Jenna's the one in the helmet =)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just Waiting

      I think the "simulation" from Friday could have gone a little better, we will be notified if the doctor needs to make some alterations. We will know Wed. of 3/18 if he can start his treatments.  Tom did great.  He had two fantastic technicians and one not so fantastic ??? The center is new and everyone is nice.  They allowed the whole family to come in for the fitting of his mask.  They could have warned us, pictures to follow.

      The waiting isn't bothering him too much... He took Robert up to Gorman today... That's how my husband relaxes!

Here is a ' Shout Out' to Auntie Pam... We love you!!!!

<<<< Singing His Praises All Day Long >>>> 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Anniversary

We celebrated our 17th year wedding anniversary today!!!! Sounds sappy but the old saying is true... I do love him more everyday & every year!   
As I think about all the changes in the last 17 years...  I think about the one constant that has never changed and will never change.    No matter what happens in my life, no matter what happens in the life of  my husband  or in the life of my children, no matter what happens across the world or who is in the presidential seat, no matter what the stock market is doing, I know that my God remains eternally the same.  His promises are unshakable.  The One who created us never changes.  That has been the constant foundation in our marriage. 
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" Hebrews 13:8.  

    Tom, you are my true soul mate.  I love you!  

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday 13th

Friends & Family,

Today is a big day. For starters Tom decided on radiation therapy.  He has an appointment today at 1:10 to be fitted for a mask that he will where at each radiation visit.  It is specifically molded to his face & neck.  Then, at 4:00 he will have an additional C-Tscan to insure that the mask and his throat and the tumors and the lasers and the dosages of radiation ALL match up.  They call this the "simulation" phase, kind of a pre-run for what is going to happen for the next 6 weeks.
Thank you for your concern and prayers.  

Isaiah 26:9 & 12 have been on my heart,

    With my soul I have desired YOU in the night, 
Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek YOU early,
For when your judgements are on the earth,  
The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
    Lord, YOU will establish peace for us,
For You have also done all our works in us.

Praises and Blessings


Monday, March 9, 2009

More Fun...

Our house use to be so dull, we would laugh at how uneventful our life was... WAS.
Today was another visit to the ER.  After a good antibiotic cleansing, an x-ray and seven stitches I am happy to report Tom still has his finger.  While changing a tire on our son's motorcycle something went ari and snapped and kaching, whamo, he came very close to loosing his finger from the knuckle down.  Yes, he finished changing the tire before he left for the ER.  I must admit the tire does look very cool and Robert will be able to climb even bigger hills than before. (Does anyone foresee more ER visits?)

I really miss that boring dull life.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little update

Tomorrow is a big day.  We have a 1pm appointment with a new Radiologist Oncologist.  This center will be very close to Tom's work and not far from home.  

Today was one of the tougher days for him.  His new schedule allows him three days off, but forces a double on one of his regular work days.  Example, Wed. he goes in at 12 noon-doesn't come home until Thurs. the next day 0600am.  Sleeps a few hours and goes back to work at 12:00 noon, same day.  Add a little radiation treatment.... ah huh, i don't think so!

I am comforted by Isaiah 26:3, because here my God says the He will keep Tom in perfect peace, because Tom's mind is stayed on HIM, because Tom trusts in HIM.  
Tom has a fixed disposition of trust in the Lord who brings a peace that the wicked can never know. I am thankful that my husband loves Jesus.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sing for Joy

Psalm 90:14 (NIV)

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for JOY and be glad all our days.

This verse popped out to me as I read this amazing chapter, teaching us to number our days so that we may present to THEE a heart of wisdom.

Monday, March 2, 2009


We are back from the Oncologists... we received the best news... NO secondary cancer!!!  We thank Him for this merciful answer to prayer.

They did find a broken rib that had been healing that "Hercules" thought he heard pop, last month when he was pushing a car. (HaHa, good story ask him later.)

We will meet with a new Radiologist Oncologist in our town, this Friday 1pm.  This was another answer to prayer.  The other RO was toooo far away and 6 weeks of M-F treatments was not reasonable with trying to work his regular work week. 

Tom is still considering surgery instead of radiation therapy.  I am thinking he should make up his mind this week, and then move forward in whichever direction.  I just support and pray.  The REAL choice is his.  So I guess what I am asking for is prayer for direction.
Things to pray for:
1. Tom's discussion with the surgeon this week.
2. Meeting with Dr. Zimmerman the new RO on Friday.
3. Make a decision by Friday 3/7.
4. That Tom's work will continue to be supportive and allow him time for all these upcoming appointments.

We are overwhelmed with God's love, His care and provision.  We giggle at His Sovereignty in every area of our lives.  And we cherish everyone of your prayers.

This week our attention turns to the many men (thousands) who will be serving and attending our church's "Shepherds Conference."  This is the most remarkable week of teaching and refreshment for Pastors, literally all over the world.  We pray for their week while they are here and for their families that they left at home. We pray for our pastors, staff and volunteers that so faithfully and energetically serve.  We will see you next year.    

Enough for now.
All my love,

Me again...

Please keep both my parents in your prayers - they will be visiting the Oncologist later today to get the results of the PET scan to see if there is cancer somewhere other than the vocal cord. The Lord has been so great to us these past few days/weeks/months/YEARS and I am so thankful for the strong relationship my dad & I have. I wanted to throw a quick thank you out to everyone that has offered to help us. We love each and every one of you and thank the Lord daily for your kindness to us. In the words of a dear saint and family friend, Jody Frankfurt, "Keep worshiping 'till we get there!"

God bless,

Dad with my big sister & brother during a recent visit. (Sandy & Kyle)

(Anyone want to go riding with us tomorrow???)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Daddy's Home

Yeah, We are so happy to have Tom home from all the monitoring, poking and prodding of the last 36 hours.  Tom's heart is as "Gold" as ever!!! The highlight of his stay-over was having a surprise visit from the sweet Harasicks.  You two are true Saints of The Light. Our next  appointment is 4pm, 3/2, Monday with the Oncologists.  We are progressing on this cancer trail with our hope in Christ and our beloved family and friends that have been holding our hands in prayer.  Thank you for the calls and visits and especially for the love you have given Robert & Jenna.  We love you. 

Just a quick note from me (the blessed) to all of you Saints in Christ --I love you all so much and am overwhelmed by the outpouring of your love for our family.  You have truly magnified Christ in your prayerful response to our trial.  I am eternally grateful!  1-Peter 1:3-7



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yeah... the ER.

Hey... it's Robert here! A quick update since my mom isn't able to blog. Dad is in the ER for chest pains and trouble breathing. The doctors don't believe it's a heart attack, though he will be staying overnight so they can monitor his vitals. The Lord listens to the prayers of His children and I ask right now that I am His, and He hears my prayers. Please pray... My mom will have more information when she gets back. I love you all... thank you!

Another good day!

This has been one of my daily prayers for my Tom: Adapted from Eph. 3:14-19
I bow my head and my knees before YOU LORD. Please grant Tom strength and might through Your Spirit in his inner man, may Christ dwell in Tom's heart through faith that Tom would be rooted and grounded in love... May Tom be able to comprehend with all the Saints the width & length & depth & height---and know the love of YOU Christ, which passes our knowledge... Please fill Tom with all the fullness of YOU God--- according to YOUR riches in YOUR Glory.  YOU are the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family in heaven & earth is named.

Women pray for your husbands!

On a lighter note: Tom and the kids went up to Gorman yesterday for a few hours before school and rode their dirt bikes.  (Of course we log it as P.E.) They said it was their best ride ever.  Beautiful weather, terrific dirt, and everyone came back with both their brake and clutch levers intact.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Post PET scan

It was a good day and we are glad it is over.  PET scan completed without any complications. Tom and I had the sweet pleasure of holding hands thru the whole thing. Thank you Mr. Radiology man.
We should know the results Monday. And as soon as I know, you will know.  We are overwhelmed with your love and attention.  Thank you Nana & Papa for dropping off those fantastic, delicious pastry treats. We opened the box and just stared in awe of their beauty, then, indulged. Pastry ministry, who would have thought. We love you!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Psalm 121

I woke up this morning with Psalm 121 on my heart.  Thank you Lord!

     I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip, He who keeps you will not slumber...He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.  

    The author and circumstances are unknown. Referring to my JM study bible: This song strikes a strong assurance in 4 stages to help and protect Israel and individual believers from harm. He is our Helper, Keeper, Protector & Preserver. 

Can't ask for more than that!

Monday, February 23, 2009

P.E.T. Scan

Tomorrow Tom will be injected with Radio-active dye and put under a full body scan (2 long hours) to find out if there is any secondary cancer.  We are hoping for the obvious.  Keep lifting those prayers UP!

Scratchy, raspy voice

 Hello family and friends,

I created this blog to share some information regarding my wonderful husband's health updates.  As many of you know he has been suffering from sore throats and a raspy voice for well over a year. Various diagnosis were offered and treatments were followed, still his voice continued to get more and more hoarse and then a persistent cough developed. 
     After the biopsy that was taken on 2/10/09, we finally got a diagnosis that makes sense... Stage 1, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vocal Cords. (Larynx for you medical types.) The Lord allowed the doctor to catch it early and the prognosis looks good.
   There are important decisions we need to make regarding treatment.  All prayers are welcome and coveted. 
    Tom knows his Savior and ultimately has a depth of peace that shines bright. He is an example to me and our children.  (Thanks Tom for living out your love for Christ.)