Friday, April 24, 2009

4th day without TX

Tom's having a better day.  SLOWLY, he is lurking around the house, in search for something to do. Quickly realizing... He still can't do much of anything.

We celebrated Robert's 16th birthday yesterday... What a great day.  We started off with special banana pancakes... We officially handed over the keys to our family Chevy Tahoe, for his very own. Yikes !!! It's not new, but his Papa & Nana had it painted and it looks soooo great! (Thank you N & P.)  Jenna washed and polished it and bought him one of those funny smiley faces with sunglasses and placed it on the antenna.  The day was topped off  with a dozen friends surprising him at BJ's Restaurant and a Pazooki. 

Son, we love you. We trust you. AND, we love the privilege and responsibility that the Lord gave us to raise you.  You are a treasure, a pleasure and  we are very proud of you. 
Love, Mom & Dad

  Click here for his version and more about the Pazooki.


Pam Zuziak said...

Hi Tom, Sabrina, Robert and Jenna,
praying daily for all of you, it is so hard to hear about what Tom is going through. I know super man is ready for come back!
Happy 16th Robert!!!!
love you all, Aunt Pam I mean Grandma Pam
Seth was born 4-21- 09, 7lbs.13oz, and he is perfect!

Jensen Family said...

Oh, Grandma Pam we are so excited for you !!! Give Seth a huge hug and smother his cheeks with kisses from us. Tom sends his big love to you all. So are you going with the Nana, Nannie, Grandma, Granny,????