Good Morning!
Tom went for his 4 month follow-up PET Scan Tuesday... The results show a 1cm hot spot that apparently is worthy of another biopsy. (Tues.) If this biopsy is positive for cancer then he must go to UCLA or USC to have extensive laryngeal surgery and extensive recovery.
I know bummer, huh!
SOoooo, please pray for a benign biopsy. Whatever the outcome we know that it is in God's will and we rejoice in the sweetness of trusting in Jesus.
Thank you for your constant prayers and concern for Tom and our family.
Definitely praying!
Thank you Brian!!!!!!
Sabrina, I could hear the familiar sweet tone of your voice as I read this. My heart sank at first to hear the news, but as I continued to read, it was like your precious attitude and trust in God lifted my heart. All I can say is there must be more hosptial personnel that need yours and Tom's boldness and concern for their souls! We don't know the big picture, but we just need to be a shining light wherever He leads us and you are a great example of that. We will be walking with you through this. Love to all the Jensens.
So great to talk to you both today...thanks for taking the time to call and share what is going on. Please know that we will be faithfully praying for you all and trusting that the Lord will be at work in your lives through this. Your family has always been and continues to be a HUGE blessing to us!
"I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”- Psalm 16:8
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