Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Praise #1,

 I left him on the coach this morning with strict orders not to do ANYTHING physical.  I came home in the afternoon, with the lawns mowed, front & back.  In the past few weeks, our neighbor Joe has been known to mysteriously mow our lawn.  (We really appreciate you, Joe.)  So I'm thinking JOE??
Then, I saw the slight sun kissed cheeks mixed with a hint of exhaustion on my husband's face...  He said it felt soooo good to get out and do something physical.  

Praise #2,

Tom has less gagging episodes and is enjoying, mostly real food.




Clogging Pindle said...

Wow, that is amazing. I am so glad that he was able to feel somewhat normal again. Sounds like better days are here to stay!

Jensen Family said...

Every day is so very precious.