Friday, February 27, 2009

Daddy's Home

Yeah, We are so happy to have Tom home from all the monitoring, poking and prodding of the last 36 hours.  Tom's heart is as "Gold" as ever!!! The highlight of his stay-over was having a surprise visit from the sweet Harasicks.  You two are true Saints of The Light. Our next  appointment is 4pm, 3/2, Monday with the Oncologists.  We are progressing on this cancer trail with our hope in Christ and our beloved family and friends that have been holding our hands in prayer.  Thank you for the calls and visits and especially for the love you have given Robert & Jenna.  We love you. 

Just a quick note from me (the blessed) to all of you Saints in Christ --I love you all so much and am overwhelmed by the outpouring of your love for our family.  You have truly magnified Christ in your prayerful response to our trial.  I am eternally grateful!  1-Peter 1:3-7




Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, Sabrina, Robert and Jenna,
I love you all, and my prayers are with you. Tom you are just to handsome to be sick! Come on big brother, beat this cancer!
I love you, your sis Pam

Jensen Family said...

Hi Auntie Pam,
We miss you.
And yes, he is as handsome as ever!!! Maybe a little more silver in his foxy hair.
We are very excited about the upcoming birth of your first grand baby... Send updates.
sabrina & family