Friday, May 22, 2009

Anddd... We're Back!

Yes folks... the day has finally come! We [the Jensens] are FINALLY back in the saddle! We've been prepping over the past couple of days to go riding and we actually managed to make it happen! It was a quick ride, shorter than usual - it was still fun! Thanks, Dad, for an unbelievably fun and memorable day! (Let's NOT go on Memorial weekend next year though, ok?? =)

But wait... there's more! When we got home, Dad did the lawns AND cleaned out part of the garage! After doing so much today, his voice is completely gone. Still, he somehow manages to keep a smile on his face.

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thanks for your prayers,
Robert for Team Jensen

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One Day at a Time

Hi Family & Friends...
Tom didn't make it to work this week. We are taking One Day at a Time!

I thought I would share one of my prayers for my husband, using Colossians 1:9-12 as the backbone and outline of my heart for him. 

For this reason I also, since the day I heard it, do not cease to pray for you Tom.  I ask my Father for you Tom that you may be filled with the knowledge, (not just a feeling but a deep and thorough understanding of what the Lord would reveal to you in His Word) of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;(to be steadfast, organized & prepared, articulate, and apply these truths in your daily living).  That you my husband would have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to our Great God. ( I know that is the desire of your heart)  I pray that you Tom would be fruitful in every good work (Being bold and righteous in front of your co-workers, praising God for EVERYTHING, Looking for new ways to love your family, giving of your time & money, and turning away from things in this world that are not pure and sacred) and increasing in the knowledge of God; (Lord, I have witnessed with my own eyes his deep love for your word)  I pray that you would continue to strengthen Tom with all YOUR might, according to YOUR glorious power, with all patience and longsuffering with joy;( I pray that you my husband will live your joy out loud and far above all difficult circumstances and difficult people).  Tom, give thanks to our Father who has qualified (He authorized) us to be partakers of the inheritance (our divine portion) of the saints in the light.  God Bless you my man!  I love, love, love you!

OOH, My Tom just asked me to take a walk around the lake...  Later.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Re Cap Tuesday, May 12th

It has come to my attention that I don't know how to spell couch, I spell it coach.  You guys are so gracious as to not let ALL my grammar and spelling errors distract you from my heartfelt intentions. I love you, God Bless!

Tom almost made it to work today. It was looking good until last nights incredible coughing attack. (Ten steps forward six steps back.) I hope it's not my cooking!
He is going to stay home today and try and heal. The goal is to be ready for work tomorrow. Today I have ordered him back on voice rest and soft foods only.  (So bossy!) 

He will be scoped by his ENT, (ears, nose and throat doctor) every month and followed up by his Radiologist for the next 5 years. Tom is actually looking forward to these visits to continue ministering to these men that he has grown to love.

Today I am singing.... with Isaiah 49:13
Sing, O heavens!
Be joyful, O earth!
And break out in singing, O mountains!
For the Lord has comforted His people,
And will have mercy on the afflicted!

Deepest love & Peace to you,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Praise #1,

 I left him on the coach this morning with strict orders not to do ANYTHING physical.  I came home in the afternoon, with the lawns mowed, front & back.  In the past few weeks, our neighbor Joe has been known to mysteriously mow our lawn.  (We really appreciate you, Joe.)  So I'm thinking JOE??
Then, I saw the slight sun kissed cheeks mixed with a hint of exhaustion on my husband's face...  He said it felt soooo good to get out and do something physical.  

Praise #2,

Tom has less gagging episodes and is enjoying, mostly real food.
